Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Goaaaaaaalllssss... and not the World Cup kind...

I must admit, I have having a very rough summer. Usually, summer is an exciting time because I've been so used to summer being the one time of the year where I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted. Even though I had a part time job, it still wasn't all that much time taken out of my week. This summer, I have huge responsibilities to worry about. My old job won't take me back because he has no hours to give me. I just got hired at a new place part-time, and now I need to find another job, because one minimum wage part time job is just not going to cut it. I would rather relax and be a kid while I could. Well, not really relax, because I need to be doing something, and I'm not worried about working, but I am worried about being able to find this other job when I am only here for the summer.

What I really need to do is set some goals for myself and then figure out how I am going to achieve them. I guess maybe if I wrote (typed) them down, it would be a little easier for me. That way every time I log onto blogger, I can see them.


Goal 1: Get a second job.
How I am going to accomplish this goal: apply apply apply. follow up follow up follow up.

Goal 2: lose 9 lbs.
How I am going to accomplish this goal: eat better. work out.

Goal 3: Get a tan.
How I am going to accomplish this goal: Lay out by the pool when not busy with goal 1 and 2.

I will probably come up with more later, but that is all I can think of right now.

How I am going to spend tomorrow on working on my goals:
Drink mass amounts of water. Eat lightly, no matter how bored I am. If I am full, stop eating no matter how good the food tastes. Lay by the pool with friends. Finish filling out applications and turn them in.

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